Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.
Balboa's Babies
One of April's charity projects was for Balboa's Babies, San Diego's navel hospital NICU. The project leader was kind enough to send out patterns for non-clothing items. (I wasn't quite ready to figure out baby clothes patterns.)
With virtual assistance, I made some snakes and cuddlers, neither of which I have pictures of. The snake is a positioning device that the nurses can wrap around a baby. For smaller babies, a cuddler is used which has the snake-like portion sewn onto a soft bed and secures with a strap. Take a look.
It took a bit more time and effort, but I was also able to make an isolette cover from one of her patterns.
This quilted cover shields extra-care babies from noise and light, which can cause undo stress. It has flaps for tubes and a front flap for visitors (nurse and parents, not aliens). Unfortunately, my picture only shows one angle, but you get a better idea of this cover in the picture on the right.----->
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