I baked up two batches of doggie biscuits a few weekends ago as part of a Secret Santa gift exchange at work. A single batch makes plenty, but I wanted to try out two varieties and figured that I could gift the extras to my puppy-lovin' friends, too.
read more...Matt and I have been to a few baby stores lately (go figure) and have looked at our fair share of clothes. There's some awfully cute stuff out there, but mostly if you know the sex of your baby. We don't.
Not satisfied to accept only the pale green and washed-out yellow pallet, we decided to take this matter into our own hands.
read more...I’m sitting around at home, hopped up on painkillers from a mouth-based melee at my dentist's office. What better time to get caught up on my articles?
Part 2 of this series provides tips and tricks that I use when creating designs for silk screening. We’ll worry about how to transfer the design to the screen in the next article.
read more...This set of articles has been in the works for a while. I finally put together the graphics so we could publish it. Nanc and I are craft ninjas, and I have always wanted to do screen printing, but I had no idea how to even start.
I knew that it was expensive (truth: not so much) and messy (truth: the mess is manageable).
read more...Our holiday message, that is. Our Christmas cards!
Every year we talk of making our own holiday cards and most years we do. (Um... last year was a bust.) Of course, we always wait until the last minute to come up with an idea, an image, and a medium. This year was no exception, except that we knew we wanted to do silk screening. (Er... so yeah. We, um.. we were going to tell y'all about our silk screening adventures sooner or later, there just never seemed to be a good time. It's an article in the making, we promise.)
So continue on to see how our cards turned out this year.
Hmmm... perhaps we should find archives of the previous years' cards.
read more...Yesterday was Crafturday. Crafturday is my favorite day of the week!
What is Crafturday? Well, my child, let me explain. Crafturday is when one gathers with their crafty friends on a Saturday and together they summon the power of the craft. For good, not evil. It's a CRAFTy satURDAY. CRAFTURDAY!
Want to know more? Only those pure of mind and spirit may continue...
read more...We're going camping [yay!] this weekend.
In preparation, I decided to be a good little camper and make fire starters. An added bonus is that I'm being good to ma earth; recycle, reuse, rehabilitate. (Okay, I just threw in the last one for s&g.)
Making fire starters is real easy to do. But just in case you don't have a camping or Boy/Girl Scouts guidebook to explain, I've laid it out for you.
read more...It seems that the only people I know who love Marshmallow Peeps® are those that can't have them. My heart goes out to my vegetarian friends that are betrayed by that most evil of all compounds, gelatin.
So it's in their honor that I make felt Peeps.
I'll be up front and honest about this; I can't figure out how to make the chicks, only the bunnies. deal, okay? And enjoy my efforts.
read more...Okay, what would YOU call them, huh?
It's the end pieces on knitting needles, usually -but not always- made from polymer clay. I've also seen buttons, glass beads, and acorn caps. They're there to stop your precious knitting from falling off the not-working end of the needles. Kind of what may stop your pants from falling down (if you're built right wink, wink).
Well, whatever you want to call them I've made a few for my new needles. (And no, none look like rear ends.)
If you don't have two sticks to rub together to buy two sticks, er... knitting needles, you can simply and affordably make two sticks (respectively). Quite honestly, knitting needles aren't rocket science. Sure, fancier and pricier wood makes for fancier/pricier sticks. But for pure knitting goodness, you can easily make a pair (or five) from craft wood dowels.
This is an easy afternoon craft, with minimal mess and instant rewards. You can jazz it up a notch by making you're own needle ends from polymer clay, or keep it simple and glue a button or whatnot on the end of your needles.
So have some fun, be creative, and read more.