It's been a while since my last PEZ update, and you might curious to find out what PEZ hath wrought in the past few months. Look inside for more.
Please note: There is a new dispenser that has forced me to swear in this post. If you are offended by salty language, or are too young to know what salty language is, go watch something on youtube instead.
read more...It's time to check in on the recent PEZ aquisitions.
Not interested? ... What if I said, "Elvis"?
read more...The frantic days full of packing are over. On Saturday, the movers transported all of our belongings approximately 10 miles east to our new home.
Even moving the cats went (relatively) smoothly.
read more...New PEZ is here. It's just inside.
I get it. You don't want to look at new PEZ.
That's fine. I understand. You didn't hurt my feelings.
But what do I tell the PEZ?
read more...When we got back from camping this weekend, PEZ rained down upon me like manna from the heavens. The only key difference are that the PEZ came via the post office and Froggies, and not so much from a giant bearded man in the clouds.
Oh, and there are also pictures of the cats, to tempt you into clicking on the "read more" link below.
read more...The main parts of the site design are now in place. There are a few more details here and there, but it should look a little better now. If you are experiencing any difficulties viewing the site, click on my name above and drop me a note.
Oh, and new PEZ --
read more...Happy Thanksgiving!
We are in Catonsville (Baltimore) spending Thanksgiving with Nanc's family. While here, I took a minute to investigate a nearby Wal*Mart. Needless to say, PEZ ensued...
read more...You guessed it, another PEZ update. Yes, the PEZ has been flowing from the heavens like hard, plastic manna. Let's dive in, so we can see the exciting kitten photo at the end of the article!
read more...Two great tastes that taste great together... or not.
For all you know, this could just be a clever way to show you the new PEZ that I've gotten lately.
read more...I found an old picture of an apartment I lived in when I was wee (wee like young, not wee like pee).
Yeah, I know this is a lame intro, but come inside and see what 10 years will do to a collection.
read more...In addition to the normal basic PEZ that you normally see in my updates, I can promise that you will see PEZ that you've never seen before. Another visit to my favorite brick-n-mortar PEZ store.
Interested? look inside...
read more...After a few years of languishing half-completed, I finally finished the article on my little sister's wedding PEZ. Even if you read this on the old site, there's some new stuff too, so I don't feel at all bad about rehashing this entry on the front page. So, come on in, relax, reread your favorite parts, and be awed at the new information!
...or something...
read more...I've been pretty busy, and having written a whole lot lately. Holidays have come and gone. The PEZ piles up, and yet I still do not post...until now.
Come on in for a peek at the latest additions
read more...The passing of August also means that I am one year closer to the grave. Sure, people try to cover up this fact with cake and presents, but it doesn't fool me.
Unless -- some of the gifts are PEZ. And I'll be honest... Alot of the gifts were PEZ.
read more...What? New PEZ you say? Really.
I'll give you a clue. He used to live in a pineapple under the sea, but now he's mine, all mine. moo-ha-ha
Yeah, right.
I have procrastinated, and now I have way too many new PEZ to post. So bear with me. These have accumulated since Christmas. I have some cool and fancy Star Wars dispensers, cool stuff from my family and more.
I'll be honest. There was a whole lotta PEZ this year during Christmas, and in the post-Christmas time.
Wanna see 'em? Umm, hrmm...okay.
Do you think that a pez is something that you wear on your head to the lodge meeting? Here is a crash course in all things pez. (This is especially good for relatives who are trying to buy me gifts.) *smiles*
This is my attempt at creating art from my PEZ. Go here, and enjoy the zen wonder of the virtual display. Let the page load for a couple of seconds, then the magic will begin. (Well, if you have javascript enabled, anyway.)