Yep, my little girl weighs about the same as three sacks of potatoes. Cute pictures lurk within.
read more...We want to encourage creativity and music appreciation in our little girl, so we sat her down at our old, out-of-tune piano and let her plunk away.
Actually, it was pretty awesome.
read more...We'll go back and talk about those events in the last post sooner or later, but for now I'm moving on.
I love knitting for my baby girl, and I love seeing her in hand knits. Luckily, Evie is still young enough that she doesn't give me much guff about home made clothes. It's a win-win relationship.
read more...Um...
wow. This has been a crazy month (plus). I didn't mean to drop my Pic-a-Day fun, but I plead motherhood... to an infant.
Anyhoo, no excuses. Thanks to Matt, here's some pix from the past few weeks.
read more...Hi there! We haven't forgotten about you, but life has been sort of hectic lately.
Anyhow, without further ado, head inside for two videos of Evie.
read more...Giraffes, apparently.

We love this fluffy, soft (so, so soft!) cushion for Evie to lay out, but to be honest there was a lot of discussions and debates on what kind of animal this is. Then we saw the tag stating it was a giraffe. Can't argue with that, huh?

Evie's Great-Uncle Ike got this for her. She likes.
You knew sooner or later there would be the common baby bath foto, well here it is. Culled from my pix pool for the day I didn't take a new picture.

This picture was taken a few weeks back during our first "real" bath in this nifty bath tub. Prior to this, it was all sponge baths. It was a bit terrifying for us all, but we got through it okay and even got a clean Evie out of the ordeal.
Another knit that I made for Evie before she was an Evie (meaning, when I was still pregnant with an unknown) was a kimono sweater. The idea was that we'd bring our lovely, new baby home in this hand knit sweater. Two things foiled this plan: sizing and weather.
read more...What you don't see off to the right of the picture is the laptop playing a podcast and surfing Ravelry and Facebook.

Once I became more comfortable and confident around Evie (and not freaking out every living second), I found a small amount of free time to knit. It may only be enough for one row, or a bit more if she's sleeping well. Anyhoo, it has been enough time to finish a womb, a heart, and a soaker.
This is the soaker's story.
I got this "outtake" while trying to get a picture of Evie in her crib. It's the old hold-the-camera-way-above-your-head-and-hope-for-the-best shot. The fact that the monkey butt is in focus makes me laugh.
Hopefully it makes you laugh, too.
You may have seen snippets of this blanket before, but it is a favorite of Evie and ours. Knitting Auntie Petra, of Purling Ps crocheted it for Evie.

Bonus foto after the break.
read more...I missed yesterday's post, and by the time I remembered it was late. Hopefully you'll forgive me.
I also screwed up when stating that Texas was done with its winter. Well, at least Evie got to wear her hand knit socks.

This Saturday marked Evie's two month birthday. I don't have a sappy post written for future Evie to read or to make people tear up (you know who you are). I start to write something in my head, but never get it down on paper or on the keyboard.

We are sorry to have MI Grandma's visit come to an end. There was fun, laughs, and good food, but they are headed back up North to the cold. Before they left, she and Evie had a few last moments in the sun.

Due to technical difficulties then sloth, this did not get posted until late on Saturday. That means I owe y'all one.
This is one happy baby.
Evie's Michigan Grandmother made it out of snowy AR, where they were stuck for a day, and was able to shower some love on this sweet girl. These two ladies hit it off right away, and soon enough Grandma had Evelyn sleeping in her arms.
read more...So good. (Okay, so it's only been two days.)

click to enbiggen
I took this pic in the last light of the afternoon. Evie was completely adorable in her overalls, and was helping me wade through paperwork at the kitchen table. (A cute baby can do a lot for drudge work.)
read more...Happy first of March. We are experiencing many firsts with our first child. Today, we were privy to hear her first laugh.
read more...Here are some pictures and video of Evie's nursery. Nanc and I have been working on it for a while, and finally have something to show off!
read more...My brother Kevin was here for a quick but welcomed visit last week. We all had a great time, but I think Evie was instantly smitten with her uncle (and vice versa).
read more...I went back to work last week. Everyone at work was eager for news and pictures. While it was good to get back into my projects at work, I was sad to leave Nanc and Evie at home.
To help with the missing-ness, Nanc and Evie video chatted with me during lunches. Well, they video-ed, and I chatted. It was almost like that scene in 2001?
Anyhow, enough of me whining. Nanc also survived hanging out with Evie all day while I was at work. Stop inside for a lightning fast post of pictures and video. And then I have to go to work. Oh-- also, Nancy's brother Kevin is coming to visit and help out this week. She is picking him up from the airport soon. Yay!
read more...Sorry to have abandoned the blog for the last two weeks (plus whatever time B.E. [Before Evelyn]). Thankfully, Matt has been taking good care to post and keep y'all, our family and friends, updated.
Evie turned two weeks yesterday (1/21), and we celebrated by going to her doc and getting the newborn screen test, part II. (Yes, that's more poking the heel for blood for those that are counting.)
read more...For your consideration:
Here are some baby pictures of Nancy and I. Let's try to figure out what features came from what parent.
read more...Yay! No more blood tests for Evie for jaundice. Her billirubin levels have dropped enough that we don't have to visit the lab every day.
read more...And all is quiet...
I suppose one of the benefits to being up at night is quiet time to post these updates.
read more...Matt and I have been to a few baby stores lately (go figure) and have looked at our fair share of clothes. There's some awfully cute stuff out there, but mostly if you know the sex of your baby. We don't.
Not satisfied to accept only the pale green and washed-out yellow pallet, we decided to take this matter into our own hands.
read more...I understand why this item of clothing is called a "shrug", but this term doesn't really do the piece justice. "Shrug" sounds so uncouth and rough. It conjures up more of the disdainful or uncaring gesture than a comfy garment.
So… I knit a shrug. And for the most part, I like it. (I chose the wrong size – too big, but I can live with this.)
read more...According to the books, I am now halfway into my pregnancy. (Actually, a little past at 21w, but the internets ate my first post and I was too bitter to write again til now.)
read more...Four distinct kicks this morning (felt like soft thumps). I guess it gets crowded in there with a full bladder.
So, there's a pretty good reason that we haven't been updating the blog lately. (Besides the fact that it's summer and there's all kinds of fun things to do outside.) The big news is that ---