by Nanc permanent link to article on 14-Jun Comments(5)

Although our garden isn’t exactly bountiful yet, there is promise there.


by Nanc permanent link to article on 25-Jan Comments(5)

Eating our dinner in the den/TV room isn't all that new and wonderful, we do this all the time. But yesterday our den got a bit of an upgrade, which makes it special.

Yes, we do have a dining room and table, but we've gotten into the bad habit of watching TV while eating. Maybe this will change some day.


by Nanc permanent link to article on 24-Jan Comments(4)

Hey! The ducks came back this morning, and we were able to get some better pictures of them. W00t!


by Nanc permanent link to article on 23-Jan Comments(5)

This past weekend was for the birds. Literally.

So okay, three birds. Well... ducks, really. But they're birds too! And our own bulb-bird.

Read more to understand my prattle and read what I've been up to this weekend (and continuing on this week).