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More Babies

by Nanc filed under charity on May 12, 2003 11:37 AM

How better to share my birthday month then by giving to two charities helping babies.

I didn't want to decide between the two May projects, so I made what I could and split them between both. Both charities, Warm Hearts-Warm Babies out of Colorado and Webb Babies from Austin, TX (nearly in my backyard), focus on helping wee babies.

Together, I sewed up a handful of requested items, like flannel-lined blankets, preemie clothes, and (sadly enough) preemie burial items.

It broke my heart to make the burial items, but it hurt more thinking that some families might not have even this to say goodbye. Included in the burial sets are a small blanket, burial gown and a keepsake swatch of cloth, all adorned with lace and ribbon.

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toys are good food

This site contains a collection of posts on a wide variety of topics including knitting, pez, recipes, toys, food --and anything else that we can think up.
