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You spin me right round, baby right round
Like a record, baby. Right round, round, round.
Happiness is getting a new knitting tool and being successful at it right away. Yay for my round knitting loom! Yay!
So sorry to any parties now stuck with that song in their collective heads. Whether the original Dead or Alive tune or the one of many (at least seven!) covers. Whaaa? Seven independent music "artists" covered this 80's tune? That's right crazy!

I bought two round knitting looms right before Christmas for my mother and me. I had previously tried to teach her how to knit this past summer, but needles were not her thing. So I figured that we could learn to loom knit together. (Awww.) And it seems to have been just the thing. My mom can knit!
She took her loom and instructions back to OH with her and last I heard is in search of yarn to match her jacket. Since then, I have made a couple more hats and am nearly ready to try a flat object on the loom (but who needs more scarves?!).

Here's some pics. It's a round, "adult hat" knitting loom made from Urethane (rubber-based) purchased from In the Attic. The material used is supposed to be easier on your hands, but there's a bit of give in there which may affect the stitches. If'n I were to buy another, child or baby loom, I think I might look at the wood kits.
Here, I show a hat in progress on the loom and the finished product. It's pretty darn quick knitting, and I can watch TV without much worry about a dropped stitch or some mishap.
I've tried a couple of different yarns so far (and forgot to take pictures, duh). My two favorites have been Lion Brand® Jiffy Thick & Quick in Ozarks (red to black shading). This makes a thick, snug hat that's all about the warmth. The other yarn that worked up nice and quick was Red Heart® Light & Lofty in Aspen, a nice soft cream with gentle waves of color.
My mom picked it out and I made the hat for her. She loves it. (Yay!) Regular Lion Brand® Jiffy works well, too. It makes a fairly loose knit hat if just a single strand is used.
I loom-knitted this hat using two strands of the yarn, which was Bernat® Camouflage in Blue Frost Ombre. I think I'll give this to my nephew, big D. But first, PeeWee gets to enjoy it!
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