Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.

The General

by Matty filed under stupida on January 29, 2004 03:44 PM

After an another tour of duty, The General has returned to toysaregoodfood.com with new advice for you, and he has brought some friends.

Not exactly a stupida item, but the general has been an important member of our household for a while, and it's time that he receives his due.

until i fix this, the general only plays well with IE browsers.

Your message from the General:
will appear here after you press the dang-fool button.

Quick instructions: Ask a yes or no question out loud at your computer, click the button, and get an answer.

The backstory on the General is that we ran across his picture while thrifting. Abandoned photos are an especially sad part of thrift stores, so we grabbed him right up. The General has helped us answer so many difficult questions over the past several years, so we decided to offer up his same advice to the fine internet community.

This summer, Nanc and I ran across another abandoned picture, so we bought that, too. For the first time anywhere... I would like to present to you the council of elders.

While the council doesn't do or say much, they are available any time of the day or night to consult with the general (as if he needed any help).

I will have some exciting pix of the council of elders after I get home.


As promised, here are pictures of the entire wisdom council in our home. Some items that you should make sure to note, is that the full general council contains: Pee Wee Herman, Dr. Zaius, a Magic-8 ball and of course the council and the general. Not pictured is Darth Vader, and C3-P0, who add a zesty Star Wars-based cleverness to the mix.

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toys are good food

This site contains a collection of posts on a wide variety of topics including knitting, pez, recipes, toys, food --and anything else that we can think up.
