Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.

General Housekeeping

by Matty filed under blog on August 3, 2004 09:01 AM

We're back from our vacation in New England, and had lots of fun, and even more cool stuff to write about in the coming weeks.

You should look forward to a range of stories/entries/articles (whatever) about black bears on scooters, grabbing the brass ring, airline travel and more.

On an unrelated note, when we got home, there were approximately 300 comments on various articles which normally would be cool, but most of them were from the evil porno spambots (from the planet concubine!). At any rate, when you leave comments now, you need to also key in a security code that is displayed in the comment area. This ensures that the messages are left by people and not bots.

Look for new content as early as--- umm... well, soon!

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Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.

Posted by: Matty on August 3, 2004 01:36 PM

Testing the fix -


It works!

Posted by: Pamelalala on August 3, 2004 03:00 PM

can't wait to hear the exciting tales!

Posted by: Petra on August 3, 2004 07:12 PM

Ooooo! Secret codes, how 007... I love it! Can't wait to hear your stories, but I hear you can't talk!

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