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I'm an 'FJM'.

by Nanc filed under knitting on October 17, 2004 11:31 AM

That is, a Fiber Junkie Monkey. I have a problem. I like my 'problem' and am not looking to kill this addiction just yet, but it seems to be a problem none-the-less. (Don't ask Bonez his opinion, tho.)

I like fiber [read: yarn]. Lots and lots o' yarn. And patterns. And needles. I fool myself thinking that I'll just pick up some yarn for this one little project. Then, as I browse through the store touching and squeezing ('cuz that's what ya' gotta do in a yarn store), I seem to be in a fiber induced zombie state. I get to the register and POW! I'm forced back into reality by handing over my monies for a big pile o' yarn. Wha-wha-what? How did this happen? Where did all this yarn come from?

Okay, so maybe not so much. I'm conscience and aware of what I'm doing the whole time. I bargain and argue with my inner accountant and task master about how these skeins would make a great [insert hand-knitted item] for [insert name of friend, family member, or body part]. I plead with them, trying to use the über softness or awesomeness of the yarn to my advantage. Skeins are put in the basket; skeins are taken out. There's a bit of compromising that goes on, but for the most part I get my way. And no, I'm not crazy - it just sounds that way.

So that's my confession of being a Fiber Junkie. How's the 'monkey' part come in? Well, adding "monkey" to most anything makes it funny and good. Silly, monkeys.

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Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.

Posted by: Pamelalala on October 18, 2004 11:09 AM

And don't forget, it rhymes!!!
Now, where's the photos of said yarn?

Posted by: nanc on October 18, 2004 12:43 PM

I'm rethinking the picture aspect of new yarn. It only adds fuel to the fire, and then it's harder to hide from Matty. (The yarn stash, not a fire. In fact, lets keep the fire far away from my yarn, please. Yes, all 37 hiding places and cubby-holes.)

j/k Pix to come. Along with updated projects, snoozing Matt image, and more wit from your's truly.

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