Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.
A few projects were completed before the end of 2004 that I didn't get a change to post about. Prepare for a montage!

Regifted Hallowig and Lacy Poncho
Okay, so neither of these are technically new knits, and heck - I didn't even make this poncho. But let me share in my delight. My pal Angi made up this crocheted wrap from some yarn of mine.
It was loverly, but I can't image this kid needing a shawl much so I asked her for a second one and *bam* it was a poncho. My niece seems to enjoy it and hopefully she'll get some wear out of it in Spring/Summer.
The story of the wig is a bit more convoluted, but here goes: I made this Hallowig for the Race for the Cure this year and it was a big hit. But what to do with it now? Well, my mum was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. (It's removed, and radiation therapy should take care of any reoccurrences.) As a "spoof", I gifted her with this wig... just in case. (Please - there is no concern of her losing her hair. We're an odd family with a messed up sense of humor.) She got the joke and enjoyed it.

Bow-Knot Scarf and Beanie Hat
Another gift for my Mom, this one in all seriousness. I don't have a pic of the hat (I finished it on the train), but it's the beanie pattern used for my Silk Garden hat (and Matt's too, but we'll get there). The scarf is the Bow-Knot pattern here. One of the ribbed, slender ends is a slit and the other end tucks down into it, and the whole scarf is then cozy around your neck without fear of flying off. The camera doesn't do the colors justice; there are light blues and sea greens mixed into a v. nice hue. The yarn is... um, I forgot and have since misplaced the label... and one skein made both the hat and scarf perfectly, with a bit left over.

Dog Sweater
Don't be fooled by this lil' pup. Vaquero is a fierce fighter and any comments you may make about the validity of his machismo while wearing this sweater would be a big mistake, possibly your last. Vaquero is my folks' adopted grand-dog from my brother. He's so tiny, that he shakes almost all the time and bundles under every available cover. So my Mom asked me to knit him a sweater to keep him warm.

The last time I met with Vaquero I came away injured, so I wasn't too eager for this project. But now, while living with my 'rents and their two dogs, he's become a cuter, my cuddly puppy. (Although he's still got that fierce temper if provoked.) I used the pattern from Stitch 'n' Bitch Nation and Plymouth Encore yarn. (This is the yarn I am using for a nephew's sweater and happened to have it with me to work on.) It went fairly quickly and I had the dog in his own personal sweater before the night was up. He seems to like it, too, which is a relief. Now, he and my brother can cat-nap together. (But don't let them know.)

Tricot Debut
Alas and alack, Tricot is done! All the pieces of this sweater were completed way back in summer, but I didn't have the guts to seam it up. It seemed a shame to let is sit their, and the guilt (plus the idea of wearing it during the holidays) finally pushed me to get it done. The seaming was fairly easy (mattress stitch) and putting in the zipper was pretty painless, too. (Thanks, Chris and KF9.)

And how do I like it? Love it! This sweater fits wonderfully! There's some shaping in the waist area that is v. complimentary. Thank you Magknits and Alison. And it is only a coincidence that I used Michigan colors (although it did put me in good with Matt's family).
Bonez' Beanie
I had so much fun making my Silk Garden Beanie, that I wanted to make one for Matty Bonez too. Buying more Noro was no problem (pant, pant) and I soon was quickly working this cap. My love for the Silk Garden was being tested, though. Not only did I have a knot in the skein (easy enough to deal with), but the yarn broke five (5!) times while I was working with it. I got tired of this pretty quickly. But before too long, the hat was done and all's well that ends well, I guess.
And yes, I still *heart* Silk Garden.
pic to come later

Jackson's Hat
So technically, this was knitted way back in summer prior to Jackson's arrival, but then there's no model. So I've recently been sent a great photo of Sir Jackson in his hat (since it's only recently been cool enough for him to wear it). It's made with Lion Brand Cotton Ease in Popsicle (the first color I looked at to make my Tricot). The pattern is the Umbilical Cord Hat from Stitch 'n' Bitch (the first book).
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Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.
Yeah, I really like how the Tricot turned out. Do ya' think by Chris and I wearing ours tonight, Petra will start (and finish) her's again? We really tried to put the pressure on.
I would like the pattern for the bow knot scarf. Would you share it?
Thank you
Wow! Quite impressive!! And I can't wait to see Tricot!! (Oh Petra.....)