Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.
home + friends = fun, Fun, FUN
I like my house. I like my friends. So why not bring these two great tastes together?!
Well, that's exactly what we did. Matty and I labored away getting our casa in some sort of order. Clocks were hung, beds were made (um, and purchased), and dirty things were cleaned. We found places for *most* of our tchotchkes. (Yes, most but not all. There are so many things still in boxes and closets.)
Sure, it takes the threat of guests to get us motivated, but the house is now 'up to snuff'. Best thing though, we're finding real comfort in rooms that were previously ignored and were lacking style/personality.
Next item? Invite the girls over!
I have the best, warmest little community of knittin' gals that are like family. We are all part of the larger knit community in town, but us nine chicas are "sistas", ya' know. My heart/spirit aches when I don't get some face time with them all. But I'm not trying to get sloppy on you. It wasn't a menses-fest, it was a night of grrl rockin' greatness with a slumber party ta' boot.
You heard me right. Slumber Party. As in we stayed up late, ate all sorts of wonderful & tasty treats, danced a bit, played with each other's.. um, yarn, and had an all-around great time!

To give you a better idea of what this past weekend was like, I offer up these two pictures. The first being a bit of pride for our 'bar area' ready for the girls to arrive. We'll call it 'Before'. The second pic, 'After', was taken (obviously) the morning after the slumber party while we were all in the kitchen gobbling up tasty cinnamon scones. (Thanks, Petra!)
I believe that a good time was had by all, even Mr. Matt, our bartender extraordinaire. Frivolity and gaiety abounded. In a good way.
Until next time, ladies...
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Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.
Awww, man, you made me get all mooshy-faced reading your post! I had a grrrrreat time, and my face hurt the next day from all the laughing and grinning I did!
Nanc, you rock! Your house rocks! Matt rocks! And the nine of us gals rock, if I do say so myself! Thank you so much for having us and for dealing with me in "the state". I have an "awesomest hostess" pressie that I'll bring for you on Sunday.
I don't know what I could possibly say that everyone already hasn't..... Thanks to you, thanks to dear Matt, and thanks to the best knittin' grrlz ever!!!!!
I can't wait to see the house and have a sleepover too. I'll bring some boys though, so that Matt has someone to play with. Good to see you blogging again. I miss my knitting, crafts, and daily life updates on my Matty and Nancy!
It was a great evening and I had the best time I have had in a long time. Your house is beautiful and it has the best pez room ever.