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Happy Bday, Dallas-SnB

by Nanc filed under knitting on March 15, 2005 03:33 PM

This past Sunday (13March2005) celebrated the one year birthday of our Dallas Stitch 'N Bitch group! Yay! Oh, sure - SnB is still a baby, but there are less of the sleepless nights and midnight feedings. Or not.

candles, but no fire

So a big ol' Happy Birthday to our group; and a cupcake for us all! (You KNOW that there had to be cupcakes.) The cupcakes were lovingly made by C (Devil's Food w/ white icing and sprinkles), me (yellow cake w/ chocolate icing and fresh strawberries), and someone at a bakery for La (not shown). La did bake some great cupcakes but disaster struck before they could be delivered, so she did the next best thing - bought them. Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture of them, but they looked good!

What has our Stitch 'N Bitch group meant to me? Although I haven't been with the group for the full year, it's been a great time still. In fact, I'm both amazed that it's only been a year AND that Wow - it's been a whole year.

So many friends have been made through this group. Encouragement, help, and fun are always prevalent at the meetings. I've ogled, salivated, petted, and admired many projects and fibers. I've been introduced to new techniques, super-soft yarns, and recommended patterns. I've both knit things and left some things unknit because of this group.

We have moved meeting location, and then moved back. A man has joined our ranks, and since promptly hid again. (Too much estrogen, perhaps. We're a rowdy bunch.) I have walked in the Race for the Cure with my knittin' sisters at my side.

Publicity in both the Stitch 'n Bitch Nation book and local newspaper have caused a boon in activity and members. Cooler weather tended to bring more knitters to the table (or tables, literally). And now that we're heading into summer (y'all know that there's no spring in TX, right?), projects as well as people may lighten up. But we know y'all are still knitting away and we'll welcome you back anytime.

I can't wait for the excitement of year two. Bring It On!

ready and waiting... TO BE GOBBLED UP!

Here's the cupcake low-down (or down-low as it were):
I was rushed for time and inspiration, so my will crumbled and I used a box mix. (Betty Crocker SuperMoist Butter Recipe Yellow - I couldn't resist the "Wow! 1 cup of PUDDING" promise on the packaging.) I found that it tasted good and was a nice cake-like texture, being moist with a few crumbs. However, I didn't particularly like how this extremely thick batter baked up.

you can't resist!

To make up for box mix, I quickly made my favorite and simple chocolate frosting recipe... from the back of the cocoa box. (Scroll down to bottom of the page for the frosting recipe.) This is one of those recipes that I come back to repeatedly. It's just that good.

mattycake, mattycake, baker's man - yup, he's my man alright

In addition, and because they looked good at the market, I topped each cupcake off with a halved strawberry. (Three cupcakes, however, received a different topping of piped, purple flowers. Just in case someone doesn't want/like strawberries.) Mmmm - just look at this one photo. Even the strawberry is drooling, it looks so good!

Because I luv him, and there's no guarantee that any cupcakes will come back home with me, I made MattyBonez a special wee layer cake from extra batter and frosting. Ain't he 'pecial.

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Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.

Posted by: Aubyn on March 16, 2005 09:13 AM

Matty is a very lucky man and those were your best cupcakes that you have made so far

Posted by: Pamelalala on March 16, 2005 10:18 AM

Terrific post! Ummm...what is that middle layer on Matty's cake... looks blue!

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