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Cats + kitten =
How are our three, mature (not older, gotta watch that!) cats taking the invasion of Sir Walter? What do they think of his ultra cuteness and high energy? I believe that Dil's look captures not just the moment, but their collective philosophy of new kitten.

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Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.
Oh, man . . . Dil looks crazy-mean. She looks like she is plotting some evil, evil revenge, that's for sure.
for the record, that's what she always looks like. :)
Sweet Dil! I remember when she was as little as Walter, and sweet and cute too. She'll always have a special place in the (very) small corner of my heart reserved for cats.
This picture captures her true spirit. Gotta love that!
That is the best picture of disdain I have ever seen!
That is one pissed off lookin' kit-kat.
Guess he isn't happy. HA!