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My tootsies

by Nanc filed under blog on October 11, 2005 11:14 PM

I may be cutting this close, but this is for Mim. A pix of my feet.

Warning to those that don't like nakeed feet (Rachel): There are bare toes in the next bit! Don't go any further, even for pix of Walter. Here... here's a Walter pic to appease you. Now you have no reason to go on. Everyone else, click to see Walter attacking my toes.

tastes like...?

The only way that I could bare (pun intended) to show my feet on the internets, was to add a bit o' cute and use Walter to my advantage. Unfortunately, Walter seems to be a bit high strung after a long day of kitten naps. Go figure.

It was a bit difficult to get a foto, and I had to use the jingley, green feather thing-on-a-stick to get his attention. (Or at least get him in the same area as my feet.) And as you can see, he likes to play with toes as much as oddities-on-sticks.

But he is cute.

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Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.

Posted by: chris on October 12, 2005 08:45 AM

Cute toes, cute kitten . . . I swear that Walter has grown since the weekend!

Posted by: rachel on October 12, 2005 08:09 PM

thanks for the warning and the alternative Walter pic. although I'm sure your feet are adorable, I opted out this time.

Posted by: Pamelalala on October 15, 2005 08:45 AM

Girl...you got some cute toes there!!!

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