Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.
You? And you, too? Me, three!

What's that all about? Sockapaloooza, of course! Have YOU signed up yet?
Sockapaloooza III: The Wrath of Sock!
Sockapalooza 3D: Return of the Gusset
(Hee - play with the name a little. It's kind of fun!)
Updated with more sock news! Check the 'Read More' section.

Besides the excitement of Sockapaloooza III: Son of the Sock (hee hee), I'm also in cahoots with the Ps for 200Sox-Year of the Sox. And upon throwing my name into the hat (with only the *promise* to knit socks), I was randomly picked as a winner in their initial drawing!
And those Ps? They are loverly, sweet, and generous to a fault. Trust me on this. I won myself the Opal sock kit (yarn, Addi dpns, stitch markers, and a pattern). Wowza! And the yarn... check it - it's Opal Cotton! Have YOU ever seen Opal Cotton? I haven't. The colors are soft and remind me of faded demim.
Well, after all that fuss I couldn't just skip town without a sock to my name. Luckily I already had most of a finished pair of socks up my sleeve. (Which is an odd place to keep socks-in-progress, let me tell you.) These are my Second Sock Syndrome swap socks on the Townsend Socks KnitALong Yahoo! group. I spoke of this before here. I *believed* that I had finished my (second) sock during our Thanksgiving trip, but was mistaken and after a bit of technical difficulties I now have a wonderful pair of socks.
The yarn is Regia 4ply Color in #5062... um, which tells you NOTHING! But what if I describe them as Funfetti Sox! Now you know what I'm talkin' about. The pattern that my pal picked for me was a modified Holey Sock Pattern. These worked up easily (except for my own oops) and are nice to wear.
And I'll leave you with some amusing (to me) and slightly related pix. (Look away, Rachel. Look away!)
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Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.
Aww! Thanks for the nice comments! Funfetti sox! WOOT! How do you even know the name of the shoe sizer thing? I love that you have one... can we play with it on Saturday?
I can't think of a better place to keep your sock in progress. Unless maybe it's under your hat. Which doesn't work if you don't wear hats.
I love the funfetti socks! And am quite curious how/why one ended up with a Brannock Device, LOL! What fun!
WHY oh WHY..do you have a brannock device?? LOL. that's hilarious. i wonder how accurate those things are. My foot always measures like a size 3 child. which is almost correct I guess.
hey how come you were picked as the winner for the 200sox? i sense some ballot stuffing here! jk. :) congrats! the yarn is purty.