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Porkopolis bound

by Nanc filed under blog on September 6, 2006 09:57 AM

Come on. How could I not use that nickname? Oh, sure. I could've gone with the more common and couth "Queen City", but then there might have been some confusion as to my actual destination.

The man and I are heading up to Cincy this weekend to help my parents celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. (I know. Can you believe it? FIFTY YEARS?! Whoa.)

It's going to fun to be back in my ol' stomping grounds (although I think I did a lot more stomping up in Cowtown/Columbus). It's a quick trip, so we won't have time to hit all the sites and sounds. But this'll be my first time back as a knitter and I'm wondering what the city has to offer.

Any Cincy knitters out there that can recommend a good LYS?

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Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.

Posted by: Jen da Purse Ho on September 7, 2006 01:14 AM

man 50 years...that's incredible and so very cool! have a great time! :) think of me if you see anything spectacular! hahaha jk. :)

Posted by: Rusty Morris on September 8, 2006 08:29 PM

Hope you have a good trip here. Believe it or not we have quite a few knitting shops here in Cincinnati and a few in Northern Kentucky. One of my favorites is Lambikins in Hamilton.http://www.lambikinshideaway.com . Enjoy your trip and happy anniversary to your parents! Rusty

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