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Hee hee - He said "duty"

by Nanc filed under blog on February 4, 2008 06:40 PM

This morning, I went to uphold my civic duty and serve on a jury. This afternoon, most of us were sent home. Huh.

This is how the day went:
I got up extra early (for me) and took a quick walk around the neighborhood. (Some fresh air, a little exercise - does a body good.) I ate a bit of breakfast before jumping in the shower and getting ready for the day. I dressed in my normal "business casual" work clothes, woke Matty, and realized that I was running 30 minutes early.

Ah, that's okay. I can knit! So I head up to the new, huge McKinney courthouse. Ooh - so big and imposing... so many stairs! I sit in my car and knit for a bit, finishing up the first of a pair of baby booties. (No knitting needles in the courthouse, however.)

It's finally time, so I head into the courthouse and into the jury selection waiting room along with approx. 400 of my fellow Collin County-ites. Ah, diversity and humanity waiting together, bored, on hard metal folding chairs. We get a short but rousing speech on the wonders of serving on a jury. ("It's like watching a TV show, but a live performance and no commercials!" we're told by a JUDGE!)

And we wait. And wait.

About 70 people are called in for one jury selection; most come back. An hour later, another group of 70. Again, most come back. About 3 hours in we get the news that, although their were 12 cases that had asked for juries, 10 of these are still in deliberations or have settled. In other words, nothing for us to do.

We're thanked for our time and sent on our merry way. Most of the folks were more than happy to skip out on this bit of community service, be not me. I'm a bit disappointed. I kind of wanted to participate. Ah, but not, at least, for another 24 months!

Matt said that I shouldn't be all that sad, it's not like they were going to choose me anyway. What, with my purple hair.

Oh. Did I forget to mention that? (Hee hee) This weekend, for a bit of something different, I dyed my hair: purple and lighter blonde, and I love it!

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Posted by: mk on February 4, 2008 08:24 PM

I like your hair.

I've been called for jury duty before and wasn't invited to serve. I was a little sad, too...rejection is a bitter pill.

Then, I figured I had a free day off work, went to see a movie and was fine about it.

Posted by: aubyn on February 4, 2008 08:27 PM

There was one time I was called and I really wanted to be on the jury. It made me really sad, other than that I have had pretty much the same experience as you.
One thing that is different is that my hair is not nearly as cool as yours. That looks great.

Posted by: chris on February 5, 2008 07:09 AM

Oh, don't be sad, little chicken! Serving on a jury isn't nearly as fun as it's cracked up to be . . . I got called several years ago in Dallas county and got put on a really icky, disturbing case -- it actually gave me nightmares!

Posted by: Betty on February 5, 2008 08:39 AM

Love the hair!

I had one jury experience like yours, and one where I was chosen. It was kinda fun, but I'm glad it didn't drag on for more than a day and a half.

BTW, you've totally inspired me on the bento thing. I don't do it for myself so much, but I've been trying things with Laurel's lunch. Somehow black olives taste so much better when you skewer them on a plastic toothpick topped with a monkey!

Posted by: P-la on February 5, 2008 10:34 AM

Purple hair?!?!?! I'm so freaking jealous!!!

Posted by: Matty on February 5, 2008 01:45 PM

Holy crap! When did this happen? Purple hair? Really?


Posted by: Jen da purse Ho on February 5, 2008 03:09 PM

omg yoru hair looks fabulous!
i dyed my hair purple once a long time ago. my gawd it was sooo bright and unlike me. :)
my idiot friends kept singing "Purple rain" for weeks.

Posted by: Petra on February 8, 2008 06:29 PM

I have never served on a jury before and have felt like I am missing out. I always go and hope to get picked, but never do. I only ever get in the door and get released. And, I don't have purple hair! I still think they would have picked you if they had met you. Cool purple hair or not.

Posted by: Petra on February 8, 2008 06:30 PM

I have never served on a jury before and have felt like I am missing out. I always go and hope to get picked, but never do. I only ever get in the door and get released. And, I don't have purple hair! I still think they would have picked you if they had met you. Cool purple hair or not.

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