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Got Baby?

by Nanc filed under cheerio on January 22, 2009 03:26 PM

Sorry to have abandoned the blog for the last two weeks (plus whatever time B.E. [Before Evelyn]). Thankfully, Matt has been taking good care to post and keep y'all, our family and friends, updated.

Evie turned two weeks yesterday (1/21), and we celebrated by going to her doc and getting the newborn screen test, part II. (Yes, that's more poking the heel for blood for those that are counting.)

I'm doing well, if not a little sleep-deprived and groggy. This is a whole new shebang to figure out and, for those that know me well, it IS tricky for me to function with little sleep. But do-able and worth it.

Evie is a dream. Seriously. I enjoyed being pregnant (yeah, I did; color me crazy), but that has nothing on being her mother. Even in the wee hours of the morning, as my chin is dropping to my chest and I can barely keep my bloodshot eyes open, all I feel is a flush of love for her.

Today is Matty's first day back to work, which leaves Evie and I alone together. Just us girls.

There was a bit of fussy time and what felt like a marathon burping, then changing diaper session. But we got through it by late morning and finally got some good napping in this afternoon. (For Evie, not I.)

After a late lunch, Evie and I took a stroll around the block and enjoyed the beautiful weather. (Yeah, sorry family, but it's 75° with a bit of a breeze. Thank you, TX!)

She is now enjoying more nap before we rinse and repeat this wonderful game. (Again, I am not napping with her - what? am I stoopid?!!)

Evie's Auntie Aubyn gifted her with a cute lil' t-shirt, which I couldn't resist pairing with some legwarmers and snapping some pix. Can you stand it? I can't promise to impart any decent fashion sense to my daughter, but I am totally getting the pink princess vibes!

No promises on future posts or frequency, but I'll do what I can when I can.

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Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.

Posted by: Rachel on January 22, 2009 07:23 PM

Have I mentioned that I just can't stand being so far away from that bundle of pink sweetness???

She gets cuter in every picture, and I must admit, she is WORKING those leg warmers.

Please eat those cheeks for me.

Posted by: mk on January 22, 2009 08:58 PM

I hope I get to meet her soon!

Posted by: mom on January 22, 2009 09:31 PM

Rachel is into cheeks, but grandma is into feet. I just love those cute little baby feetsies!

Posted by: Kathy on January 23, 2009 07:51 AM

Pretty pretty pink princess. And infant legwarmers? Who woulda thunk?

Now go take a nap, Nanc :)

Posted by: Pamela on January 23, 2009 10:11 AM

Oh my god!!! Those legwarmers!!!! So cuuute!!!!

And you really must realize, you nap when the baby naps. You nap when the baby naps. You nap when the baby naps. You nap when the baby naps. You nap when the baby naps. You nap when the baby naps.

Got the point?

Posted by: Jen da purse Ho on January 23, 2009 02:26 PM

OMg that pic of her is just SOOOO CUTE!!!! i want to squish her little cheeeeeeks!

Posted by: Julia on January 23, 2009 03:38 PM

Omigosh, she's just gorgeous! Dang, I think I'm gonna cry. Happy family days. Congratulations to you both!

Posted by: aubyn on January 31, 2009 02:57 PM

that is the cutest picture. nice legwarmers.

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