Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.
Playing Catch Up
All weekend I kept meaning to sit down at the computer and type up some articles. Really I did. But it just didn't happen. Things got in the way or I was tempted by the beauty of the interweb in it's other incarnations (re: blog reads).
So now I'm playing catch up because I do want to share with y'all, my faceless lurkers. (Um, not that you don't have a face. In fact, I'm sure you do. It's just that I'm guessing that I've never seen it. Except, of course, in the cases where I have. Like the SnB gals. And my hubby. And perhaps some other folks that I know, like my family. But hey - I'm getting off topic; and a little paranoid now.)
Just go to the 'read more' and ignore my crazy rant. please?
Well, the weekend started a bit earlier with a rogue knitting affair at the Half Price Books. Oh and what more joy could there be than friends, knitting, chai and cheap books! (Please don't answer. My life is sad enough without that particular list.)

This 'great' pic of me is while knitting the poncho for my niece at the bookstore. It's being knitting in the round, hence the peeping tom quality of the shot. Thanks for the pic, Pamelalala.

I picked out a whole mess of books, but I don't think the Bonez would've been so appreciative. So a few had to stay... for now. Of the books that I did leave with, two are knitting related for me and one is an origami book for Bonez. As part of his birthday week.
Yeah - you read me right. WEEK. In this household, birthdays are celebrated for a whole week. A week's worth of gifts. Special meals and treats all week. A little birthday love for each day of the week. Kind of like day of the week underwear, except we include Sunday and it's not quite as freaky.
We had some friends over on Saturday (hi, Skittermagoo and Brad!) for fun and games. Tasty white chicken chili and chocolate chip cheesecake dip was consumed. And there are now two more converts to the joy that is Settlers of Catan. You're welcome.
And finally the fun came to a crashing halt on Sunday when we began the journey that is d*#t. (Yes, that four-letter word is too evil to write out loud.) For the next two weeks, my moods may be erratic depending on the foodstuffs. But so far, so good. We're eating a lot, it's just a lot of cooking and preparing meals. Now I understand the magic that happened for mothers everywhere in the 70's with the introduction of Hamburger Helper® and other time savers.
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Hi, this blog has been upgraded, but I'm leaving the old pages online until the search engines catch up. If you want to join the discussion, this may be the page you're looking for on the new site.
Ha, ha! You said the D word!
By the way, my 3-digit security code does not match my secret decoder ring, so I'm not sure how safe it really is.
big thank
D-I-E-T?!?!?! Eeeeeeeeeeewwwwww!!! May the force be with you.