Hi, we've moved the site to a new software. Please point your browser to http://toysaregoodfood.com or http://toysaregoodfood.com/blog to see the latest posts. I won't be updating this location anymore. --Thanks, Matty.
Hiya... I updated to wordpress, but am leaving the old site here for now. Please update your bookmarks to http://toysaregoodfood.com/blog. Thanks, Matty
Yep, my little girl weighs about the same as three sacks of potatoes. Cute pictures lurk within.
read more...We want to encourage creativity and music appreciation in our little girl, so we sat her down at our old, out-of-tune piano and let her plunk away.
Actually, it was pretty awesome.
read more...This past weekend, we snuck away to Oklahoma for a weekend full of firsts. It was our first Mother's Day, Evie's first camping trip, and our first time camping in a cabin.
The outcome? Successful on all fronts. There are pictures and more words inside.
read more...We'll go back and talk about those events in the last post sooner or later, but for now I'm moving on.
I love knitting for my baby girl, and I love seeing her in hand knits. Luckily, Evie is still young enough that she doesn't give me much guff about home made clothes. It's a win-win relationship.
read more...Um...
wow. This has been a crazy month (plus). I didn't mean to drop my Pic-a-Day fun, but I plead motherhood... to an infant.
Anyhoo, no excuses. Thanks to Matt, here's some pix from the past few weeks.
read more...Hi there! We haven't forgotten about you, but life has been sort of hectic lately.
Anyhow, without further ado, head inside for two videos of Evie.
read more...Giraffes, apparently.

We love this fluffy, soft (so, so soft!) cushion for Evie to lay out, but to be honest there was a lot of discussions and debates on what kind of animal this is. Then we saw the tag stating it was a giraffe. Can't argue with that, huh?

Evie's Great-Uncle Ike got this for her. She likes.
You knew sooner or later there would be the common baby bath foto, well here it is. Culled from my pix pool for the day I didn't take a new picture.

This picture was taken a few weeks back during our first "real" bath in this nifty bath tub. Prior to this, it was all sponge baths. It was a bit terrifying for us all, but we got through it okay and even got a clean Evie out of the ordeal.
Another knit that I made for Evie before she was an Evie (meaning, when I was still pregnant with an unknown) was a kimono sweater. The idea was that we'd bring our lovely, new baby home in this hand knit sweater. Two things foiled this plan: sizing and weather.
read more...What you don't see off to the right of the picture is the laptop playing a podcast and surfing Ravelry and Facebook.

Once I became more comfortable and confident around Evie (and not freaking out every living second), I found a small amount of free time to knit. It may only be enough for one row, or a bit more if she's sleeping well. Anyhoo, it has been enough time to finish a womb, a heart, and a soaker.
This is the soaker's story.
I got this "outtake" while trying to get a picture of Evie in her crib. It's the old hold-the-camera-way-above-your-head-and-hope-for-the-best shot. The fact that the monkey butt is in focus makes me laugh.
Hopefully it makes you laugh, too.
You may have seen snippets of this blanket before, but it is a favorite of Evie and ours. Knitting Auntie Petra, of Purling Ps crocheted it for Evie.

Bonus foto after the break.
read more...I missed yesterday's post, and by the time I remembered it was late. Hopefully you'll forgive me.
I also screwed up when stating that Texas was done with its winter. Well, at least Evie got to wear her hand knit socks.